Hi guys,
Are you feeling a little stressed, maybe a little overwhelmed or a bit down?
The weather has suddenly dropped here in the uk and i think everyone is feeling it, the mornings and evenings are drawing in darker. The schools are getting there yearly ‘colds’. We are back to work but yet still worried about the coronavirus. There’s a lot going on right now in everyones lives.
If your like me maybe your feeling overwhelmed being a mum to a toddler. The constant noise, attention and drama that comes along with having a demanding 3 year old. I felt like i was losing it at least once a week. I have always tried to be a gentle parent but with sleep deprivation, trying to work, preschool runs and housework i was failing at that. I would lose my temper alot or just sit their and cry. I did some research and stress and depression was the top of that list. So what may help?
I want to help anyone who may be feeling like this, i may not be able to do anything about all the things mentioned above but maybe i can help us to relax, destress and unwind even just a little. Maybe bring some clarity back to our minds and help you when things get a little too much.
I have created a 3 days to destress and unwind series. You get 1 video a day for 3 days for FREE sent straight to your inbox (please check your junk folder). To help you cope in this crazy and demanding times and bring some clarity and calmness back into our hectic lives.
Im not saying this will be a quick fix and you will win super mum of the year but i have been here and i know the feeling, the feeling like your drowning, like your failing, like you could crash and burn at any second. I want to help!
We all need time to find that stillness within in and this is what i have created with this series, some time for you. It is not a quick fix. You have to put in the effort to do these classes and find time for you, ask for help, do it in the evenings, find the time. Your mind is as important as your body. If their was something wrong with your body, you would go to the doctors. So lets focus on our minds with this series and get help for our minds.
To sign up just head on over to leahyoga.co.uk and sign up to my email list to begin day 1, releasing 1st october, which will be sent straight to your inbox (check junk mail)
If you feel like you need more help please speak to your gp or health visitor.
I hope it helps and we can all find a little bit of peace in this crazy and hectic time.