Welcome to Lakora Yoga. I am Leah the founder of Fledgling Yogi the course that gives you an introduction to yoga and helps you to gain flexibility and an understanding of the 5 most used movements in yoga.

The doors to Fledgling Yogi only open a few times a year, why? Because I like to be present and be there for my students. This is a self paced course that you can do in your own time, but when them doors open I am all in for the first 6 weeks of the course, to help you reach your goals and give you extra support.
In this course we go over the 5 main movements in yoga, these are;
-forward bends
-hip openers
-arm balances

So, if you have been doing yoga for a while, why haven’t you made progress yet in these poses yet?
…it’s about structure and knowing that it can happen within WEEKS. How? With:
- a step by step guide
- the mindset that you are capable of achieving these goals.
- changing the story in your mind about what you can and cannot do
You should get to wake up with confidence, knowing that you can reach your goals on and off the mat. When you have these things together, your success is inevitable.

More about this course
Fledgling Yogis is the only online course that specifically focuses on getting beginner yogis more prepared for a Vinyasa style Yoga class. So they can fold forward, get into wheel, do Crow pose with ease, & all the rest. We take you to the next level of Yoga.
Learning these poses through a structured course with an online community and feedback is the best way to make progress quickly and nail the pose you have been trying to achieve.
- Learn exactly what poses and exercises to do, helping to achieve the poses you desire. Discover how to prepare the body and how to get into the pose correctly and safely.
- Eliminate frustration and prevent yourself becoming overwhelmed, by having it all planned out for you. Set calendars and time frames so you don’t have to worry about planning what class to do. Just follow the step by step.
- Practice on your own schedule, find out a time that works for you and go for it. We have different length classes to accommodate all Yogis. Just pick the class that suits you & your schedule.
- Share your wins in the Facebook group, be encouraged by the community – we love to see & applaud your successes, & we can better help you by seeing your progress.
- Repeat the content. It’s on demand, for you, whenever you need it.
- Live Q and A’s for feedback, questions and accountability.
- Become a Yogi who is confident on the mat.

If you are ready to take your practice to the next level, click the button below for more details.