Whether you are a beginner to fitness, a beginner to yoga or just want to improve on what you already know about yoga. Come and join me on 1st january 2021 and start a new challenge.
The 30 days of yoga challenge is for anyone. Short practices that lead up to longer classes. There’s no excuse not to fit these in. Most are around 10 minutes long so even the most busiest of people can fit 10 minutes in for themselves.
Come and join me on the mat and let me show you the world of yoga. A world in which you can change your life. A practice that doesn’t just stay on the mat but comes out into the world with you.
January 1st it’s coming! Click the link below, subscribe and turn the bell notifications on to be reminded.
Don’t forget you can also sign up for my 3 days destress series. 3 x 45 minute classes just click the link below.